Different kinds of plants

First impressions matter, not just among individuals but in business, too. That’s why the value of top-quality commercial landscaping cannot be overstated. There are few better ways to improve foot traffic, boost brand image, and maximise the value of your commercial property than investing in a well-designed and well-maintained landscape. While the benefits are clear, balancing business operations and external image can be massively challenging. So, in this article, we’ll walk you through our top 10 low-maintenance plants for your commercial property to help you look the part without devoting too many business hours. We’ve been providing first-class grounds maintenance in Milton Keynes for over 30 years, so we’re expertly placed to help you make the most of your property’s surroundings.

Low-Maintenance Plants And Landscaping Ideas

Commercial landscaping can boost your property’s value by as much as 14%, so it’s clearly a worthwhile investment when done right. However, purchasing plants that require too much attention or not treating them the right way can be very costly and limit your returns. So, if you want to understand which low-maintenance plants are best suited to your property and what methods you can employ to keep them in optimal condition, keep reading.

Commercial landscape gym

Low-Maintenance Landscaping Strategies

Before you select which plants you want to include on your grounds, you’ll need to consider your landscaping strategy. A clear and effective plan should allow your greenery to thrive without too much attention. From plant location to mulch distribution, these are our top low-maintenance landscaping strategies:

Plan For All Weather Conditions

The weather in the UK is notoriously unpredictable, so structure your commercial landscaping with that in mind. Whenever we provide grounds maintenance in Milton Keynes, we ensure our solutions are viable all year round to maximise the property’s appeal. That means understanding which areas will receive a lot of rainwater and where snow will likely accumulate. Also, consider where grit salt will be applied and how that might impact the surrounding shrubbery.

By planning this ahead of time and implementing year-round strategies, you can lessen the impact of the changing seasons. In the UK, it’s a good idea to choose hardy, evergreen plants that can withstand the cold and continue to look vibrant. Additionally, erecting some fencing can help limit the negative impact of rain, snow, or salt buildup.

Rain on plant

Put The Right Plants In The Right Place

Choosing the right location for your plants is one of the most important considerations in commercial landscaping. Failure to do so will result in increased maintenance, a less vibrant exterior, and sometimes the death of installed plant material. All plants vary considerably in their ability to tolerate different conditions, so plenty of research is necessary before deciding on your property’s exterior layout. These are some site conditions to keep in mind when choosing your plants:

  • Light availability, intensity and duration
  • Water availability
  • Exposure to wind and temperature extremes
  • Soil type, drainage and compaction
  • Hardiness zone
  • Competition from existing vegetation
  • Below-ground conditions in urban sites
  • Above-ground wires or obstructions

It’s also worth considering the plants’ characteristics when choosing their location. For example, if you want to include a type of plant that grows quickly and wildly, it’s best to keep it away from entryways, doors, or windows as it will require regular maintenance to keep sightlines clear. Additionally, many plants have special abilities that make them a strategic addition to any property. For example, many shrubs are excellent at repelling pests and preserving the surrounding plant life. Find out more about this in our article.

Commercial shrubbery

Use Mulch Wisely

Mulch is a fantastic, low-maintenance method to keep your plants in top condition. It’s a thick layer of material placed over the soil to suppress weeds and lock in moisture. It also acts as a barrier to drying winds and direct sun, helping plants to thrive in adverse weather conditions. It’s easily applied by laying around 5cm on the bed or around the base of key plants. Applying mulch the right way will save you time and effort in the long run, so try to follow these steps:

  • Remove any weeds
  • Rake the soil’s surface to level out dips and hollows, then re-firm
  • Water the soil thoroughly before applying the mulch


Add Hard Features Strategically

Outdoor spaces aren’t just made visually appealing by plants. To make the most of your landscaping, you’ll need to incorporate hard features like rocks, walls, and decorative features. Consider including walkways and benches to improve the functionality of the space for visitors. Not only do these features make the property more attractive, but they also require very little maintenance.

Stone path

Low-Maintenance Plants

Low-maintenance plants in commercial landscapes help strike a balance between aesthetics and practicality. Extensive plant care in a work setting is often not feasible, so you’ll need resilient plants with minimal upkeep to reap the full benefits of commercial landscaping. The following plants are great options:


Despite their complex petal patterns and striking colours, Marigolds are deceptively easy to grow and maintain. Hailing from the sunflower family, they bloom early and stick around for the whole summer. Marigolds are highly drought-resistant and heat-tolerant, so be sure to put them somewhere with plenty of sun. They also have pest-repellant properties, helping to preserve the rest of your property’s plant life.


Boxwoods are among the best options if you’re looking for dense shrubbery to create a border on your commercial property. Aside from watering and mulching, growing boxwood is low maintenance. If you intend to keep them as a sheared hedge, they may require more maintenance, but this multi-functionality is often worth it. In most cases, a yearly trim will be sufficient to maintain its shape.


Known for its gorgeous smell and vibrant purple blooms, lavender is low-maintenance and attracts pollinators to support the rest of your landscape. It’s highly drought-resistant and prefers to be in sun-drenched locations. Newly planted lavender needs more water than usual, but once established it can survive with very little water.


Echinacea, part of the daisy family, is generally pest and disease-free, making it very low-maintenance. It thrives in both sheltered and exposed landscapes, meaning it’s a great addition to any commercial green space. The stems can grow up to 1.5m in height, and they bloom in a range of colours, so if you’re looking to add something eye-catching to your property’s exterior, echinacea could be for you.


One of fuchsias’ main selling points is that they produce continuous flowers deep into Autumn, meaning they look great for a large part of the year. As far as maintenance goes, all that is needed is to pinch (stop) the growing tip when they are young to stimulate two-to-four side shoots to grow. Aside from that, fuchsias can be left to their own devices.


If you’re going for a more contemporary look in your commercial landscape, why not incorporate some bamboo? Clumping bamboo varieties are non-invasive and provide a natural screen to protect the rest of the plants from strong winds and adverse weather. Most bamboo is hardy, so it will require no additional care over winter.


Yew trees are found on commercial properties all over the UK because they’re easy to grow, require very little maintenance, and make a perfect property border. They only require annual trimming and can be shaped to fit spaces of all sizes. They thrive in almost any soil or situation, including deep shade. All things considered, it’s very difficult to go wrong with a yew tree.

Japanese Spurge

Japanese Spurge
Unlike many of the other plants on this list, Japanese spurge thrives in the shade. If it is left out of direct sunlight, it will grow steadily without any additional maintenance. It can adapt to various soil types, making it a popular choice for darker areas on commercial properties.


Sedums are as low-maintenance as it gets, acting as a colourful addition to any garden all year round. Not only can they withstand extreme heat and drought, they’re hardy enough to survive in sub-zero temperatures. They’re relatively pest-free but may attract snails and slugs due to their succulent leaves and stems.

Geranium Rozanne

Geranium Rozanne
The geranium ‘Rozanne’ was named Plant of the Decade for 1993-2002 at the Chelsea Flower Show, and it’s clear to see why. These geraniums display deep purple flowers from July to October and require almost no maintenance. It is worth noting that these should be avoided if your property is dog-friendly, as geranium ‘Rozanne’ is on the Dogs Trust list of poisonous plants.

Level Up Your Commercial Property

It’s clear there are plenty of ways you can create highly functional and visually appealing commercial landscapes without devoting loads of time to their upkeep. However, it’s worth remembering that low-maintenance landscaping does not mean that no maintenance will be required, as all plants require some routine care to succeed. 

If you’re looking for professional support in creating and maintaining your commercial property’s surroundings, get in touch with the Neal Landscapes team. We’ve been providing market-leading landscape maintenance in Milton Keynes for over 30 years, so we’re expertly placed to help you maximise the potential of your commercial property.

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